Revolutionizing lung health management

Be Lung Healthy With PinkTreepatent

Be Lung Healthy With PinkTree

About Us

PinkTree: Is all about respiratory health!

Lungs are an essential part of the body which do a key function of inhalation and exhalation of oxygen and carbon dioxide respectively.

PinkTree denotes our unwavering focus on healthy lungs.

Healthy lungs are pink in colour. The PinkTree is the “respiratory tree” within our body.

Hence the name “PinkTree"



About Us

PinkTree: Is all about respiratory health!

Lungs are an essential part of the body which do a key function of inhalation and exhalation of oxygen and carbon dioxide respectively.

PinkTree denotes our unwavering focus on healthy lungs.

Healthy lungs are pink in colour. The PinkTree is the “respiratory tree” within our body.

Hence the name “PinkTree"



If you are a patient of
Asthma, COPD, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, |
PinkTree is for you!

8th August Lungs-Gif

How Pink is YOUR Tree?

How PINK is your Tree? Let's check

Please fill up the details to get your lung health score.

Personalized healthcare

The patient needs to be at the center of care. The ecosystem that will be built around the patient will help the patient in managing their lung health better. Personalized care focuses on a treatment plan that is customized for each patient, taking into consideration an individual’s disease severity (which requires different treatments and management modalities), age, environment ....

Data driven decisions

The health data that we are trying to collect, should help doctors in better decision making for their patients which in turn would lead to better outcomes. The patients themselves also will get a prospective of how they are self-managing their disease and what are the possible need gaps. Thus, the data will also help in identifying key areas of health concerns as well as gaps in treatment which can be prioritized and addressed.

Bringing all stakeholders together

A multidisciplinary, holistic model of care is required to recognize the interconnectivity between lung diseases and its comorbidities; emphasize prevention rather than acute treatment; and value patient individuality, needs and preferences. This will result in better overall management of the condition, reduce overall indirect costs from lung diseases and possible comorbidities, and ultimately achieve a better quality of life for patients.

Neutral Platform

PinkTree provides a common platform for multiple stakeholders with the sole aim of providing better care for the patient. The impartial force that enables stakeholders to put aside their conflicting interests and come together around improved care, outcomes, and quality of life for all is the patients themselves.

Welcome To
PinkTree Movement

The Movement is an effort to get all the patients and stakeholders together.
These stakeholders collectively, will assist the patient in managing their disease better than they are doing it today.

PinkTree Movement

Coming together for a purpose!

We have a clear purpose: To give lung health the rightful place and importance that it deserves. Across and beyond the medical fraternity.

The PinkTree Fraternity is an in-app feature that brings all Chest Physicians, the chief custodians of lung health, together and drive the purpose of the movement.

This is the place where Chest Physicians will engage, share, discuss and connect on a single platform. Keeping the patient’s interest at its core.

The Respiratory Ecosystem

United for better Lung Health!

A connected ecosystem is the need of the hour!

The Ecosystem is an integrated solution to improve respiratory care.
Holistic approach involving all stakeholders keeping the patient in focus.
The Ecosystem aims to improve care outcomes and quality of life

Digital Techology as an enabler to offer curated lung care solutions

Healthcare, with the assistance of technology, is now available at home.
As healthcare moves into communities, digital platforms are increasing the speed and quality of patient-doctor interaction and making diagnosis, management, and monitoring available in real time for the patient.

Be Lung Healthy

Introducing India’s FIRST comprehensive lung health disease management app.

With our clean dashboard, users can easily view and track their lung function, symptoms, and medication reminders in one place.

This app offers a wide range of educational resources, breathing exercises, tools and support they need to manage their lung health.

Personalized Insights

Clean & Simple design that makes it easy to navigate and use, even for patients with limited experience with technology.

PinkTree offers personalized insights and recommendations based on a patient’s data, helping them to make informed decisions about their lung health management.


Your Lung Care companion:
Tools and Insights for Patients and Doctors

The PinkTree Health App is a new generation, interactive disease management solution for patients to deliver better lung health. Currently, it covers disease management solution for 4 lung diseases – Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
If you are a diagnosed patient of any of the above 4 conditions, or a doctor who treats the above conditions, this app is for you!

For Patients

  • Daily tracking of symptoms
  • Weekly/monthly reports to share with your doctor
  • Weather conditions today and how they can impact you
  • Goals and activities tracker to improve quality of life
  • Connect with a companion
  • Online action plan
  • Monitor adherence through medicine tracker
  • Inhaler device demonstration / video observed therapy feature
Slant_Mobile Mockups-Patients

For Doctors

  • Complete patient management virtually between the patient’s two physical visits to the doctor
  • Live record of patient health
  • Graphical reports to view at a click of a button
  • Chat with patients as an when required
Slant_Mobile Mockups-Doctors


Events are community gatherings for a purpose! Planned by healthcare providers who are concerned for you

Lungs Do's & Don'ts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Date: 30 May 2023

Time: 15:30 IST

Lungs Do's & Don'ts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Date: 30 May 2023

Time: 15:30 IST

Lungs Do's & Don'ts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Date: 30 May 2023

Time: 15:30 IST

Our Global Partner

COPDF-Two-Line_Registered (Small)

Our Happy Users

Our patients and doctors are happy. They say so!

"As someone with asthma, I have always struggled to keep track of my symptoms and medications. But ever since I started using PinkTree, my life has become much easier. The app's user-friendly interface allows me to log my symptoms, medications, and peak flow readings effortlessly."
Rahul Kapoor
Chartered Accountant
"I am a COPD patient, and PinkTree has been a blessing in disguise. This app not only helps me monitor my lung function but also provides valuable insights into lifestyle changes that can positively impact my condition. The exercise routines designed specifically for COPD patients are fantastic"
Karan Mehta
Retired Professor
"As a concerned daughter, I wanted to ensure my father's lung health was monitored effectively. PinkTree came to our rescue with its comprehensive tracking features and health reports. My father's doctor also appreciated the detailed information the app provided during his check-ups."
Sneha Sharma
Active Users
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Your one stop repository for everything you need to know about Lung Health.

Educational Videos

On World Asthma Day, WHO experts offer 5 tips on how to manage your asthma better. Asthma is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases, causing nearly half a million deaths every year.


Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) affect the airways and other structures of the lungs. Some of the most common are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, occupational lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension. 

COVID-19 wreaked havoc worldwide, and it also took a toll on my mental state when I discovered that my daughter suffers from asthma. As a mother, I couldn’t help but worry constantly, especially since COVID posed even more risks….