About PinkTree Movement
Lung Health in India and the World.
The PinkTree Movement.
What Is the Purpose of this Movement?
How Can You Participate and Contribute?

The current world is besieged with multiple problems which are responsible for rapid deterioration of the quality of our respiratory health. We have pollution and we have pets. We have allergens and we have viruses. We have lifestyles and we have food.
Lung Health is a mix of diverse issues. Communicable and non-communicable. We have infections like TB and Pneumonia, allergies causing Asthma, and we have irreversible chronic disease like COPD. The causes are multiple and thus the patients are increasing.
In fact, the therapy area is far more complex than the more discussed ones like Diabetes and Hypertension. The diagnosis and treatment are specialized too and not everyone is qualified to handle the challenge.
If we aspire to manage the disease burden effectively, we will have to think beyond the current ways and methods. A more focused and concerted effort that will understand the diversity of the issue and offer solutions that support and strengthens the HCP is the way ahead.

The PinkTree movement envisions a drive around giving lung health the rightful place and importance across different forums and components of society.
The movement is construct of defined cohorts amongst the doctor and their patients and supported by everyone else. This cohort is a channel of communication and engagement. If we educate and create awareness amongst individuals, and create a more compliant and responsive community, we will create a more lung healthy country.
PinkTree will act as the platform for all the action. It will shadow the desires of the doctor and create a conducive and efficient exchange for managing the disease better amongst patients.

The purpose of this movement is to gather all the stakeholders who are invested in the lung health of a patient, or an individual, on a common platform and create a throbbing ecosystem, which manages the lung health patient effectively.
The PinkTree ecosystem is where all the verticals including doctors, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic laboratories, insurance firms etc. will converge over a period of time. The Chest Physician, the chief custodian of Lung Health, is however the closest and the most important part of this ecosystem. He knows what is best for the patient.

You can participate by joining the movement and recruiting patients on board. The PinkTree platform will start supporting you by giving you constant information about the patient and their lung health. The other participants, like Pharmaceutical companies, Diagnostic Labs, Insurance agencies will join the movement in a synchronized manner. Everyone will play defined roles and help in better disease management of the patient.
The neutral interface that PinkTree offers will ensure larger and focused participation by diverse stakeholders and we should thus see better outcomes.
Lung Health in India and the World.
The current world is besieged with multiple problems which are responsible for rapid deterioration of the quality of our respiratory health. We have pollution and we have pets. We have allergens and we have viruses. We have lifestyles and we have food.
Lung Health is a mix of diverse issues. Communicable and non-communicable. We have infections like TB and Pneumonia, allergies causing Asthma, and we have irreversible chronic disease like COPD. The causes are multiple ....
The current world is besieged with multiple problems which are responsible for rapid deterioration of the quality of our respiratory health. We have pollution and we have pets. We have allergens and we have viruses. We have lifestyles and we have food.
Lung Health is a mix of diverse issues. Communicable and non-communicable. We have infections like TB and Pneumonia, allergies causing Asthma, and we have irreversible chronic disease like COPD. The causes are multiple and thus the patients are increasing.
In fact, the therapy area is far more complex than the more discussed ones like Diabetes and Hypertension. The diagnosis and treatment are specialized too and not everyone is qualified to handle the challenge.
If we aspire to manage the disease burden effectively, we will have to think beyond the current ways and methods. A more focused and concerted effort that will understand the diversity of the issue and offer solutions that support and strengthens the HCP is the way ahead.

The PinkTree Movement.
The PinkTree movement envisions a drive around giving lung health the rightful place and importance across different forums and components of society.
The movement is construct of defined cohorts amongst the doctor and their patients and supported by everyone else. This cohort is a channel of communication and engagement. If we educate and create awareness amongst individuals, and create a more compliant and responsive community, we will create a more lung healthy country.
PinkTree will act as the platform for all the action. It will shadow the desires of the doctor and create a conducive and efficient exchange for managing the disease better amongst patients.
What Is the Purpose of this Movement?
The purpose of this movement is to gather all the stakeholders who are invested in the lung health of a patient, or an individual, on a common platform and create a throbbing ecosystem, which manages the lung health patient effectively.
The PinkTree ecosystem is where all the verticals including doctors, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic laboratories, insurance firms etc. will converge over a period of time. The Chest Physician, the chief custodian of Lung Health, is however the closest and the most important part of this ecosystem. He knows what is best for the patient.

How Can You Participate and Contribute?
Doctors can participate by joining the PinkTree Movement recruiting their patients onboard. The PinkTree platform will start supporting Doctors by giving them constant information about the patient and their lung health. The other participants, like Pharmaceutical companies, Diagnostic Labs, Insurance agencies will join the movement in a synchronized manner. Everyone will play defined roles and help in better disease management of the patient.
The neutral interface that PinkTree offers will ensure larger and focused participation by diverse stakeholders and we should thus see better outcomes.