Healthcare begins with YOU!

Designed For Patients
It is about you. As an individual. Your needs, wants, struggles, pain points are your experiences in this journey. We are here to support you. Your journey is unique and so is your story! Your story will help simplify this journey for others and we could learn a lot on our way to better lung health.

Empowered self-care
Patient empowerment relates to patient knowledge — a higher level of understanding about a condition and its treatment can empower patients to take control of self-management. This is especially important for chronic diseases like asthma, where patients must have knowledge that treatment will change their lives for the better, as this will motivate them to make continual, long-term efforts towards management.
PinkTree attempts to give patients’ more knowledge and insights of their disease condition, allowing patients to be comfortable, as it facilitates collaboration in treatment, a more patient centered approach to care and shared decision making with their doctors.
Science Driven
Each patient journey is a unique. We have designed tools based on scientific literature and insights that will help you analyze your health condition and have informed conversations with your doctor in your next visit. Your doctor will also be able to support you better based on the trends. What we collect could help inform, predict, shape or advocate for better care, intervention, and outcomes.

Enabled by Technology
Healthcare is now on our fingertips. Our attempt is to make lung healthcare as easy to manage as any other condition. Specially, between the patients ‘two physical visits to the doctor, we would play a role to ensure you are better managing your health. Connecting your doctor on the app will help build doctor-patient interventions which will lead to better patient outcomes and quality of life.
With technology you are never alone in this journey.